Find your taxi price

Input route. Check taxi price. Avoid Overpaying.
taxi fare calculator

Easily plan your trip

Use Go by Taxi's route planner to get an estimated taxi price for any city in the world. With this easy-to-use tool, you can plan your next taxi trip. Here's how it works:

1. Type in your origin and destination. This can be any location in the world.

2. Our system will pull up the taxi prices in your selected area and plan the best route.

3. See everything you need - know exactly how much your trip will cost, how far you'll be travelling, and the route that you'll be taking.

About Go by Taxi

Go by Taxi was built on the belief that taxi prices should be transparent and fair anywhere on earth. Unlike other forms of public transportation, taxi prices are usually not strictly enforced. This means you, the passenger, are likely to overpay if you don’t know the real price. For this reason, we collect the most current taxi prices from every city in the world and present them to you here, for free! Use Go by Taxi route planner to get your taxi price wherever you go.

taxi taxi

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